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We have moved our custom grazing services to reGen LLC!
Please visit our new site to learn more about the services we offer.

We operate on a variety of leased and owned property, and have varying lands available for pasturing cattle.We pride ourselves on a high degree of service to the industry, and provide the highest quality of care available. 
Our ground rules are low-stress handling methods, and when the cattle arrive at our ranch they are handled our way until they get on the truck headed home.


“We believe that sheep and goats fit much of the range we are blessed to control. Our grazing philosophies lead to using these “little critters” as range management tools. They also are proving quite a profit center! Many investors and ranchers find themselves enjoying the profit from sheep and goats, and likewise their herbivory and browsing abilities. We can often increase our numbers operated with our professionally trained Herders,
without increasing our labor overheads. Therefore, we often have
availability of grazing for custom grazing rates of both sheep and goats.

These opportunities come and go, and we carefully adjust our numbers to the specific ranch and year. Please give us a call if you want to invest in “little mortgage lifters,” or if you are interested in visiting regarding current opportunities.

We can operate almost any number, and are flexible and willing to help YOU enjoy the benefit of sheep and goats.

Custom Sheep & Goat Grazing



Our steadiest clients and dear friends include our Custom Cow/Calf pair customers. We usually take these in for the summer months, giving owners, ranchers, or investors to have a break from the summer labor. Our efforts yield healthy, cheap calf gains while maintaining and improving the health, vigor, and condition of your cows. We usually fill up very early in the year and keep a client waiting list, but we do have openings and love to help you
keep your cow numbers up. Our staff is professional and well trained with “the eye of the master” in watching your livestock. We will promise to keep grass, clean water, and your carefully chosen mineral/salt supplements in front of your cattle at all times. Our staff practices very low-stress animal handling, and strives to doctor with the highest standard of Beef Quality Assurance. We believe our ranches to be some of the best grazing lands in
Wyoming and the cattle show it every fall.

Custom Cow/Calf Pairs Grazing


In grazing stocker steers or spayed and open heifers, we always strive for two goals: individual animal performance (average daily gain,) and pounds of beef per acre. Our experience is in handling herds of over 1,500 steers, and almost any herd size up to that amount, over many years. We will treat to minimize sickness and never have had a set of yearlings exceed a 2% death loss while in our care. The secret to lots of weight gain is simple on
our ranches. We provide the highest quality feed available, do not ask them to graze it too short, and move them frequently, and gently, to allow for stockers that do not walk the fences but settle in to gain some weight. Owners provide the minerals and the medicine, but we will keep your good cattle healthy, and turn them back better in the fall.



We ascribe to Burke Teichert’s well proven fundamentals of developing heifers. Sage’s synopsis: Expose lots of heifers, and let the Lord sort out the bad ones.

We do not believe in pouring much money into heifers, and artificially subsidizing their growth. Its fun to see fat heifers, but it is more fun to see light heifers explode on what they have to eat, and be PROFITABLE for their owner, and become functional cows.

We breed heifers while planning their profitability around the open feeder heifer. Our program translates into running cattle and developing them simultaneously for others! We can facilitate Artificial Insemination and a bull cover, or natural breeding heifer to low birthweight bulls. We believe the best first calf is a live first calf, naturally pasture/range calved. The best first calf mother is one who picked her spot to calve, and did it on her own, on green grass. Both will result in cows which will last for many years, adapted to their environment.

Custom Heifer Development
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